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This year we’re so grateful for…


We asked and you answered! Thank you to everyone who shared their messages of gratitude with us. We’ve compiled all of your responses. As we break for the Thanksgiving holiday, we hope you stay safe as you travel to see loved ones and that you enjoy time with family and friends.

This year we are grateful for…

1. All the laughs I shared with great people at SJC

2. Friends, life, food, yoga, the sun and it’s light, music, love, hope, reflection and growth

3. Family

4. My friends, family, education and freedom

5. Friends, family, and my three pets

6. The counseling center!

7. SJC Engagement – All of our student workers!

8. Saint Joe’s and all the amazing people

9. I’m grateful for my pandemic puppy

10. SJC Res Living – Our amazing staff and faculty, our community, and the connections between RAs and residents