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RestoreResilience – a new, free benefit for your mental and physical health


A digital support program to guide you through challenging times.

Stress-reduction and lifestyle improvement program.

* Note: Since the Jan. 5 post of this new program, there has been an update. Additional adult member of the employees household are now able to participate in this program. Use group ID “sjcmeresilience” during enrollment.

These are truly unprecedented times. Settling into new routines during a time of uncertainty can be a stressful period for many individuals. That’s where RestoreResilience steps in–guiding you through a healthy, new routine so you can feel your best to perform at your best.

What is RestoreResilience?

RestoreResilience is an always-available support program for your employees dealing with the pandemic and other societal occurrences. The program focuses on stress and anxiety, with additional health content in the areas of sleep, nutrition, and exercise. Members learn how to cultivate positivity, remain present in their daily life, manage emotional or mindless eating, and more through lessons and tasks.

In addition, each person is paired with a live health coach to schedule 1:1 calls or text sessions at whatever frequency they need. Members have access to weekly community discussions and our RestoreTV sessions that focus on finding positivity in these challenging times.

How RestoreResilience Works:

restrore resilience coach

Each member gets paired with a RestoreResilience coach that will be with them for the duration of the program. Your health coach follows your journey to better health. Coaches stay in touch via text messaging and scheduled phone outreach to ensure their needs are being met. You can reach out to them via text or calls!

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Our web and mobile apps make engagement in the program simple and easy. Get daily educational content, personalized stress and sleep plans, progress reports, social support from a small group of peers, and more.

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Sleep, stress, and weight data can be tracked automatically. This real-time health data is used to optimize the program to get the best possible results.

Additional Services

Relaxation and Stress Management Activities
Access guided meditation sessions, tips to improve sleep, and stress management content.

Relevant Content and Lessons
Learn to deal with new schedules/experiences, create a healthy worklife balance, and conquer burnout.

Member Testimonial

“I find it very helpful having someone to talk to away from my workplace. My coach has great outside perspective, ideas, and opinions. One of my favorite parts is that I can set sessions with my coach based on my own schedule and I don’t even have to leave the comfort of my office or home. The ease of the communication with my coach is too good to pass up.”
–RestoreResilience Member

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Use a laptop (not mobile) when signing up.

Use group ID “sjcmeresilience” during enrollment. Now available to you and your adult loved one.

SECURE AND CONFIDENTIAL: RestoreResilience is delivered on a highly-secure, HIPAA-compliant platform and therefore all personal health information (PHI) will remain safe and confidential. Additionally, since Zillion is a 3rd-party solution provider, participation within the program is also confidential and no information will be accessible by your health insurance provider.

Individuals with a depression/stress issue say their job performance has been impacted:3





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1 https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/the-implications-of-covid-19-for-mental-health-and-substance-use/
2 https://www.mcleanhospital.org/essential/what-employers-need-know-about-mental-health-workplace
3 Strong Minds at Work. The 2019 Unum Mental Health Report.

Copyright 2021 Zillion Group, Inc.