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Walking Challenge — They’re Winners!


This spring, SJC participated in a walking challenge through edHealth where the College competed with many other colleges such as Boston College, Regis, Lasell, Wheaton, Save Regina, Emerson, Wellesley, Clark University and more. And the SJC team came out on top with 5.1277 million steps for a daily average of 12,629 steps! The team received an engraved trophy and an ice cream celebration courtesy of edHealth. SJC’s top walker was Sheri Piers.

Shown in the photo above, left to right: McKenna Smith, Valerie Romero, Connor Dufour, Joy Pulsifer, Sheri Piers, Jenna Chase, Becky Thompson, Hilary Lamkin, and Victoria Bernier. Missing from the photo are Asako Sturk, Kathryn Cody, Emilee Wermenchuk, Doug Kiley, and Chelsea Diamond.

Congratulations to the walking team!