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Golf Classic

SJC Alumni, Family and Friends are invited to join us for this year's Golf Classic! You won't want to miss it! Friday, September 8, 8AM Spring Meadow Golf Club 59 Lewiston Road, Gray The fee to participate in the tournament – which is open to everyone – is $150 per player and includes an 18-hole […]

Mercy Week Waves of Change

Pearson's Cafe

Meet with representatives from Casco Bay Estuary Partnership and learn about local organizations working for a sustainable future for our waterways.

RAQ the Barre


https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88213176780  RAQ THE BARRE® is a fun and effective barre fitness program, blending ancientMiddle Eastern movements into a modern barre workout! Tone and condition yourentire body from top to toe with our signature core barre method designed to improvetorso & hip flexibility and stability. Challenge your muscles using your own body weightwith a varied series including […]

Trivia Night

Baggot Street Cafe

How much do you know? Come to trivia night every Thursday in Baggot Street to find out! Prizes will be given out to winners! Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/atg-btcf-vor Or dial: (US) +1 401-903-9514 PIN: 756838574# Learn more about Meet at: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9282720