Silver Sneaker Splash
PoolPlease sign up at to reserve your spot! For questions about the class or payment please contact Jenna Chase (
Please sign up at to reserve your spot! For questions about the class or payment please contact Jenna Chase (
Please sign up at to reserve your spot! For questions about the class or payment please contact Jenna Chase ( muscle strength and range of movement, and improve activities for daily living. You’ll have a chair for seated exercises and standing support. Your instructor can modify the exercises for your fitness level.
Please sign up at to reserve your spot! For questions about the class or payment please contact Jenna Chase ( muscle strength and range of movement, and improve activities for daily living. You’ll have a chair for seated exercises and standing support. Your instructor can modify the exercises for your fitness level.
Please sign up at to reserve your spot! For questions about the class or payment please contact Jenna Chase ( muscle strength and range of movement, and improve activities for daily living. You’ll have a chair for seated exercises and standing support. Your instructor can modify the exercises for your fitness level.
Please sign up at to reserve your spot! For questions about the class or payment please contact Jenna Chase ( muscle strength and range of movement, and improve activities for daily living. You’ll have a chair for seated exercises and standing support. Your instructor can modify the exercises for your fitness level.
Please sign up at to reserve your spot!* For questions about the class or payment please contact Jenna Chase (*Class needs 3 participants signed up 1 hour prior to start for class to run or it will be cancelled.
Coloring mandalas is a proven stress management activity! Come join us in coloring or take one to go! Muffins will also be offered for the first 10 people who come!