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SilverSneakers Classic

Dance Room

Please sign up at www.picktime.com/alfondcenter to reserve your spot!  For questions about the class or payment please contact Jenna Chase (jchase@sjcme.edu)

SilverSneakers Classic

Dance Room

Please sign up at www.picktime.com/alfondcenter to reserve your spot!  For questions about the class or payment please contact Jenna Chase (jchase@sjcme.edu)

Healing Benefits of Mother Nature Webinar


Harvard Pilgrim Health Care has some amazing wellness resources free for us to use.  Here is tomorrow's topic if you are interested in attending for free.August 9, 2023 from 1-1:30 p.m. ETHealing Benefits of Mother Nature https://us02web.zoom.us/j/996948529The healing benefits of mother nature! Do you remember the last time you went outside, took a deep breath in and […]

Deb’s Dance Fitness

Dance Room

Please sign up at www.picktime.com/alfondcenter to reserve your spot!  For questions about the class or payment please contact Jenna Chase (jchase@sjcme.edu)

SilverSneakers Classic

Dance Room

Please sign up at www.picktime.com/alfondcenter to reserve your spot!  For questions about the class or payment please contact Jenna Chase (jchase@sjcme.edu)

Intro to Tai Chi


Intro to Tai Chi Thursdays | 1-1:30 p.m. EThttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/88213176780Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese martial art and mind-body practice that incorporates slow, flowingmovements and deep breathing. It is often referred to as a moving meditation. Tai Chi ischaracterized by its graceful and continuous movements, which are performed in a slow,relaxed manner. The practice of Tai Chi […]