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SilverSneaker Splash


Please sign up at www.picktime.com/alfondcenter to reserve your spot!  For questions about the class or payment please contact Jenna Chase (jchase@sjcme.edu)

SilverSneaker Classic

Dance Room

Please sign up at www.picktime.com/alfondcenter to reserve your spot!  For questions about the class or payment please contact Jenna Chase (jchase@sjcme.edu)Increase muscle strength and range of movement, and improve activities for daily living. You’ll have a chair for seated exercises and standing support. Your instructor can modify the exercises for your fitness level.

The Roux Institute visits SJC Campus!

The Roux Institute visits SJC!Visit with Kayla Frank, Recruitment and Engagement Manager,  on the 1st floor of Alfond Hall from 10-3:30 to learn more about the tech-forward graduate programs offered by Northeastern University's Roux Institute, located in Portland, Maine! All SJC graduates are eligible to receive scholarship opportunities for graduate programs with The Roux. Stop by to learn more!