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Saint Joseph’s College of Maine Welcomes the New Maine Transfer Guarantee


Saint Joseph’s College of Maine is proud to announce its participation in the newly established Maine Transfer Guarantee, unveiled today. This groundbreaking initiative allows graduates from community colleges in Maine to transfer seamlessly into degree programs at six of the state’s esteemed independent four-year colleges, including Saint Joseph’s College of Maine.

“At Saint Joseph’s College of Maine, we are proud to be a learner-centered environment – a promise to shepherd each student’s investment in a better opportunity,” said Saint Joseph’s College of Maine President, Joseph Cassidy. “The Maine Transfer Guarantee is a significant step forward in providing equitable higher education on-ramps to students across our state. We look forward to welcoming these students into our diverse and vibrant community, where they can continue their academic journey and achieve their full potential.”

This initiative aligns with Saint Joseph’s College of Maine’s mission to foster a diverse and inclusive environment – dedicated to growing leaders for sustainable communities – while also contributing to the development of a highly educated workforce that can drive Maine’s economic growth and innovation. A liberal arts institution, Saint Joseph’s College of Maine’s offerings are diversified by strong professional programs in business, nursing, health and science, and education.

“The Maine Transfer Guarantee takes the guesswork out of higher ed planning for many Maine students and families,” said David Daigler, president of the Maine Community College System. “This provides clear benchmarks and guideposts to students and their families mapping out what can often be a confusing higher ed journey. Now they know exactly how to get from their associate degree to a four-year degree and beyond.”

The Maine Transfer Guarantee is the latest statewide Transfer Guarantee program coordinated by the New England Board of Higher Education. Other New England Transfer Guarantee programs exist in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont. A New Hampshire program will launch this year.

About Saint Joseph’s College of Maine:
Saint Joseph’s College of Maine is where community grows – on campus, online, and around the world. Since its founding in 1912 by the Sisters of Mercy, the College has transformed learners into leaders who sustain their communities. SJC strives to be a diverse and inclusive community that forms individuals who practice humility, justice, and compassion, in solidarity with the marginalized. Student success is enriched by a lived mission and the practice of core values. Saint Joseph’s beautiful campus on the shores of Sebago Lake boasts over 40 undergraduate programs and a competitive Division III athletic program. Its pioneering online certificate, undergraduate and advanced degrees empower professional leaders in every corner of the globe. The BSN program at SJC is accredited by CCNE and the NECHE.
