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Samantha Pinard ’19 earns Geiger Gibson Emerging Young Leader award


Congratulations to Health and Wellness Promotion alumna Samantha Pinard!

The Geiger Gibson Emerging Young Leader award is awarded to supervisors under 35 who work in a community health center and go above and beyond to ensure access to healthcare for all populations. Samantha, a Community Health Outreach Work Supervisor for the Quality team at Greater Portland Health, will head to Washington, D.C., to attend a community health center conference and accept this award along with other awardees and more than 1,400 community health centers CEOs from across the U.S.

Samantha wrote that she thanks her Health and Wellness Promotion professor Karen Croteau for instilling a strong sense of understanding that access to health care and health education is a human right.

While at Saint Joe’s, Samantha also participated in the International Service Trip program and writes that a little extra compassion can have an impact on people who have so little. “I know that my time spent with both of you [professors Steve and Camilla Bridge who led the service trip] has very strongly helped shaped my view on the world and how I go about my personal and professional life.”

Well done, Samantha! Thank you for making community stronger.