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Career Development Featured

October in the Career Studio


In this month’s newsletter, you’ll learn more about

  • how to declare a major and/or minor
  • advising and registration for spring semester classes
  • upcoming events

What if I am undecided in my major, thinking of changing majors, or want to add a minor?

Making academic decisions such as these can be difficult and stressful. Thoughts of changing or declaring a major can provoke a wide range of feelings and emotions.

When in doubt, talk it out. In making a decision, talk to the people who know you best in academic or career settings. Talk to your professors, your coaches, and upper-level students in the majors or fields that interest you.

Additionally, meeting with the Career Studio staff can help you organize your thoughts and explore your strengths to help you make the best decisions for your future.

To schedule an appointment, email careerstudio@sjcme.edu or book an appointment in Handshake.

Academic Advising and Spring Registration

Academic Advising for Spring 2024 is right around the corner! Here’s what you need to know.

What is the registration period?

The registration period is when you have the opportunity to officially sign up for classes for the spring 2024 semester. Class registration will take place between October 30 and November 2.

What is the advising period?

The advising period is the time when you meet with your assigned Academic Advisor to talk about your class schedule for next semester. The advising period starts October 2.

You will not be able to pick your classes unless you have completed your advising meeting.

Best practices

Course registration will be competed through Campus Café. If you have not logged into Campus Café recently, we advise you do so when you have a spare moment. Take some time to explore the platform and familiarize yourself with the functionality. This will allow you to relieve stress by understanding more of the process and ensuring you know the necessary details, such as your username and password.

How should I prepare for my Academic Advising meeting?

Some majors, such as nursing, may have your classes pre-selected in Campus Café. Take some time to explore the on campus Catalog and get an idea of the different classes you would like to take. Some classes may not all fit into your schedule this coming semester, but they may work later in your college experience.

What’s going on in the Career Studio?

October 18 Fresenius Medical Care Campus Visit, 11:30am-1:30pm, Pearson’s Café

October 20 Professional Photo Friday, 12-1pm, 3rd floor Alfond Hall, Career Studio

October 25 MaineHealth Campus Visit, 11:30am-1:30pm, Pearson’s Café

Career Studio Staff

Victoria Bernier / vbernier@sjcme.edu

Ashley Bigda / abigda@sjcme.edu

Troy Hendricks / troy.hendricks@sjcme.edu