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Annual Apple Pie Making Volunteers Needed


Join us on Friday, Nov. 19 from 1 to 3:30PM in Pearson’s Café for Apple Pie Making!

All pies will be donated to our Thanksgiving box program which provides a Thanksgiving meal for families in our community.

The Mercy Center has over 200 families signed up to receive boxes (which include our homemade apple pies!) – so any and all help is welcome! Volunteers will also be needed on Saturday, Nov. 20, 10AM-1PM at the Stone Barn for Thanksgiving box distribution. Help is needed to organize boxes, fill with items, and help families as they arrive to pick up the boxes.

This year, due to the Covid-19 pandemic we are asking that volunteer participation be limited to our SJC Community. Thank you for understanding and for helping to keep our community healthy and safe!

⇒ Click here to sign up!