Accessing Tutoring Services
As we enter the final week of classes, we wanted to remind you that it is not too late to receive tutoring assistance. We have a couple of different options you can utilize this week and through finals week.
Peer Tutoring Program
The Peer Tutor Program is a group of 50 current SJC students who assist their peers in-person or virtually in a variety of subjects, including writing assistance. To access a Peer Tutor or Writing Tutor, students simply email and they will be connected with a Peer Tutor or Writing Tutor within 24 hours.
NetTutor is an additional resource for tutoring. NetTutor is completely virtual and students can receive help in several different subjects. NetTutor has all professional tutors with, at least, a Bachelor’s degree in their respective disciple. Students can receive live assistance through a chat or video call. Students can also drop off a paper for feedback. NetTutor can be accessed using your SJC credentials through any of your Brightspace courses under “Student Resources.”
⇒ Click here for a video tutorial on using NetTutor.
We wish you the best of luck as you wrap up your classes and complete your final exams and projects. If we can be of any assistance over the next two weeks, please do not hesitate to reach out to us!
Academic Center for Excellence
Visit us for Academic Support | 3rd floor, Alfond Hall