Center for Nursing Innovation construction project update
As you are welcomed back at the start of a new academic year, we want you to know that we are fully involved in the Center for Nursing Innovation construction project located on the 3rd floor of Mercy Hall.
Over the next few months and into the spring of 2023, our entire community will be well aware of our project as we move through the many phases of construction. You will notice a very large presence of construction equipment, construction traffic and construction personnel working on and around Mercy Hall. Please use caution traveling around the construction site.
As part of the management of this construction project, weekly meetings have been scheduled to monitor the progress as well as managing the day to day performance of the construction team. As such, regular updates will be shared with the community as important construction milestones are achieved.
To ensure the safety of staff, faculty, students and our entire community, we have asked Campus Safety to play a large role in managing the access to the 3rd floor during the construction project. In order to keep everyone safe, we will restrict all non construction activity and access to the 3rd floor of Mercy hall for the duration of the project.
The facilities management team, and the design build team are extremely excited to see this project move from the planning phase to the construction phase and are looking forward to the substantial completion of the new CNI space. The next few months will prove to be very busy as well as exciting.
Please contact facilities management if you have any questions or concerns. We will be here every step of the way.