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Climate change study features SJC’s Dr. Mark Green


In a new study by federal scientists and Massachusetts Maritime Academy, staff and students suggests that increased ocean acidification could pose a threat to the sea scalloping industry in the Gulf of Maine and elsewhere along the Atlantic seaboard. The study also found that acidity is increasing in the Gulf of Maine faster than at other locations on the East Coast.

Dr. Mark Green, natural science professor and a leading expert in ocean acidification, says, “The entire world should be concerned about the state of the oceans and Maine is no exception. Scallops are worth millions of dollars to the state’s economy, and that it is probably well past time to push the panic button.

Add that to lobster, soft shell clams, hard clams, oysters, mussels, surf clams and it’s billions of dollars that could disappear from the Maine economy. It won’t happen overnight. It will be a slow and steady decline (it will probably accelerate as critical tipping points are reached). But it will happen.”

⇒ This Excerpt is taken from Portland Press Herald. Read the full story here.