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Voicemail Information


About Voice Mail

The following directions will make reference to AUDIX, which is the voice mail system used by Saint Joseph’s College. All Residence Hall Room phones will ring four times before going to Voice Mail.

Setting Up Your Voice Mailbox

Dial the Audix Voice Mail Number/Extension: (207) 893-7777 (from off campus) or Ext. 7777 (from any phone on campus). You will hear the message, “Welcome to Audix. For help at any time, press *H.”

  • Enter your extension and the pound (#) sign.
  • Enter your extension: _ _ _ _#
  • Enter your temporary Audix password, 1#

After entering your temporary password followed by # in Audix you will hear “As you use Audix your name will be included in system announcements that you and other people hear. Press 1 and at the tone speak your name, after speaking your name press 1 again.”

  • Press 1; clearly state the first and last name of yourself or all roommates, press 1 again. You will hear the recording you just made. Press # to approve the recording, or press 1 to re-record, speak your name, press 1 again. Press # to approve the recording.

You will hear the message “Audix passwords must now be five (5) or more digits. Please enter a new password followed by the pound (#).”

  • Enter your new password: _ _ _ _ _#
  • Re-Enter your new password: _ _ _ _ _#

You will reach the Activity Menu of your Mailbox. You will hear the message, “To record messages, press 1. To get messages, press 2. To administer personal greetings, press 3.”

  • Press 3 to administer your personal greeting (this is the message people hear when they reach your voice mail like the message on your answering machine.) You may want to write down what you plan to say for your message.

You will hear the message: System greeting active for all calls. (This means that the Audix voice currently answers your calls.) Audix then tells you the menu options available at this time.

  • Press 1 (to create your greeting.)

You will hear the message: “Enter greeting number.”

  • Press 1 (for greeting 1.)
  • Press 1 (to start recording your message.) Speak your greeting clearly and concisely.
  • Press 1 (to stop recording.)
  • Press 23 (to listen to what you have recorded.)
  • If you like what you hear Press # (to approve the recording.)
    • Press 1 (to use this greeting for all calls.)
  • If you do not like what you hear:
    • Press *D (to delete what is recorded.)
    • Press 1 (to start recording your message again.)
    • Speak your greeting clearly and concisely.
    • Press 1 (to stop recording.)
    • Press 23 (to listen to what you have recorded)
    • If you like what you hear Press # (to approve the recording.)
  • Press 1 (to use this greeting for all calls.)

You may leave Audix at any time by simply hanging up. If you have questions or need assistance, please call the Information Technology Help Desk at Ext: 7851.

Retrieving Messages from a Voice Mailbox

  • Dial the Audix Voice Mail Number/Extension.
    • (207) 893-7777 (from off-campus) or
    • Ext. 7777 (from any phone on-campus).
  • Enter your extension: _ _ _ _#.
  • Enter your password and press #.

Audix will tell you if you have new messages and how many new messages are currently in your voice mailbox.

  • To get and respond to messages press 2.

You will hear the message summary.

  • To listen to the message press 0.
  • To replay header press 23.
  • To respond or forward the message press 1.

You will be prompted by Audix with options.

  • To delete the message press *D.
  • To skip the message press #.

Changing Your Password

There are some circumstances that may arise that will make it necessary to change your password in Audix. The steps outlined below will allow you to do this.

  • Dial the Audix Voice Mail Number/Extension.
    • (207) 893-7777 (from off-campus) or
    • Ext. 7777 (from any phone on-campus).
  • Enter your extension: _ _ _ _#.
  • Enter your password and press #.
  • To change your password press 5.
  • To change password press 4.
  • Enter New Password _ _ _ _ _#.
  • Re-Enter New Password _ _ _ _ _#.

Your password will have been changed.

Re-record Name

There are some circumstances that may arise that will make it necessary to re-record your name in Audix. The steps outlined below will allow you to do this.

  • Dial the Audix Voice Mail Number/Extension.
    • (207) 893-7777 (from off-campus) or
    • Ext. 7777 (from any phone on-campus)
  • Enter your extension: _ _ _ _ #.
  • Enter your password and press #.
  • To re-record your name press 5.
  • To re-record your name press 5 again.
  • Wait for the tone then re-record your name.
  • After recording your name press 1.
    • To re-record your name press 1.
    • To approve press #.

Play Back Controls

While listening to voice mail messages there are several play back controls you can utilize.

  • Press 2 to rewind the message.
  • Press 3 to pause the message
    (can be useful if you must write this message down).
  • Press 3 again to continue with the message.
  • Press 4 to make the message louder.
  • Press 5 to back up the message.
  • Press 6 to advance the message.
  • Press 7 to make the message softer.
  • Press 8 to make the message slower.
  • Press 9 to make the message faster.
  • Press 0 to listen/replay the message.
  • Press # to skip the message.


For help at any time while in Audix press *H. If you experience any problems please contact the Help Desk.

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