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Information Technology


Welcome to Information Technology’s web page!

We want to provide you with technology tools and support to enhance your work and learning. Tools include the correct hardware, software, and training to support voice and data networks. The main focus of our technical support staff is to assist traditional and distance students, faculty and administration. Our personal support means helping people with a variety of needs and abilities, from novices to experts.

Our staff is ready to assist in any way possible to provide solutions to your information service needs.

Did you forget your password?

Or did you get locked out? Get help for recovering your password here: password.sjcme.edu

Need Internet Access?

  • Register your computer, tablet, or smartphone!

Register game consoles, smart TVs, and other devices needing internet access.

Ready to start printing?

Now everyone can enjoy the convenience of “anywhere printing” while on campus.

Google Workspace

Visit our Google Workspace page to learn about the tools available to all students, faculty, and staff.

Don’t be Phished!

Phishing is THE MOST common practice used by identity thieves. Protect yourself and others by following some basic common sense rules. Details on what phishing is and how you can protect yourself are available at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s website.

For more tips on how everyone can help protect the College’s information, go to https://my.sjcme.edu/technology/cyber-security-awareness/


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Contact Us
Tel: (207) 893-7851
Email:  iteam@sjcme.edu

Help Desk: Service Building
Alfond Hall: Room 229

Monday through Friday
8:00am to 5:00pm
Closed on holidays

Acceptable Use Policy for Information Technology

Brightspace Support

Campus Printer Usage

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